The Black Mirror ©Shadia Alem
The Black Mirror
Series 1 : Solo Wedding Celebration
* Male physical presence? [ ] none [ ] all
* Female physical presence? [ ] none [ ] all
* Bridegrooms' names? [ ] none [ ] all
* Brides' names ? [ ] none [ ] all
* (The precious one of the sheikh...)
a substitute for the name of...? bride [ ] bridegroom [ ]
Photo credits : Shadia Alem
Series 2: The Black Mirror: How Does It Feel/Experience

The Black Mirror: How Does It Feel/Experience
The Black Mirror: How Does It Feel/Experience
The physical presence of (The One And Only) was blackened out and given a fair chance to pass through the experience of THE BLACK.
The concept of the Black Mirror
An appointment to witness
a shift in position,
and an attempt
to seize artistic power,
to give a face to the faceless
and a name to the nameless,
a tentative step to
transform our lives’
social design
To (occasion page), Al Riyadh Saudi official newspaper :
you are invited to observe a series of wedding celebrants' photos printed during the years 2005-2007 of the 21st century.
Photo collages